Yeah, u can say that i have sad, SAD life. No joke, doug! i wasn't the one with the brains, that's my sister and my brother. In my whole life, i never achieve anything that is worth proud of , or so my parents think. They are never satisfied with the results i get, never in my life i hear words of praise coming out of their mouth about me. It's always my brother and sister who gets that. Well, it's not like i fail my UPSR or PMR isn't it. But no! it's not good enough for them and u know what hurts most, they always use my brother or sister to make me feel down, it's disgusting! I just can't understand why my parents are like that, they cannot just treat me for who i am, always praising my brother, "See, your brother got all A's in his exam,but u got only 2 ?", or my sister "Yes, my daughter got 7 A's for her UPSR." But never a praise for me, only criticisms for me, and i haven't even got my SPM results yet!
As if this is not bad enough, they also can't just fulfill the smallest request that is made to them. Everytime when i don't help them do something they nag at me. When i ask something from them, asking them to buy something for me, they will give stupid excuses like it's expensive or it's not good for me then heck, why buy a computer, a TV then, they are not good for me also right? The reason is very simple, they NEED this things. Yeah that's right, they only buy things that they need, they never give a damn about what me or siblings want. It's only books or foods that only they can splash out their precious money on, and also when things are cheap, it's true, it's true.
Sometimes i just look up at the sky and wonder what did i do in my previous life to deserve this current life, i just don't get it. But no matter how down or sad that i felt, i am always grateful that i have friends. Friends are the most important thing in my life seeing i do not have anything else to be happy with. Maybe getting a girlfriend is not a bad idea too. Anyway to all my friends (if they ever read this), i like to say thank you for ... ... being my friend.
Word life!
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