Thursday, March 29, 2007
The covers out !!!!
The book covers includes the United States Children Edition (784 pages), United Kingdom Children's Edition (608 pages), and United Kingdom Adult's Edition (608 pages).
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

In truth, Saya is actually a Chiropteran herself, she is also a pure-blooded Chiropteran quenn. Although she has the appearance of a 16 year old girl, she is actually 173 years old. She was "born" in the year 1833 from a cocoon like object taken from a mummy of a Chiropteran along with another cocoon containing... ... I'll come back to that later. She original home is a place called the Zoo. She ceases aging and has the ability to heal herself when she is wounded or hurt. At that time she is living a peaceful life, not realizing that she has a twin sister. That's what the other cocoon contains. Unlike Saya, she has been locked in a tower because their founder, Joel wanted to experiment on them, thus he separated those after birth, raising Saya as her own daughter while locking the other is a tower. Saya found her in the year 1883 when she is wandering around the place. When she was wandering around, she heard a beautiful song and followed the voice to a tower. She named her Diva because of that very reason. That year, when it was Joel 65th birthday, Saya released her from the tower as a surprise birthday present to him. That's when Diva killed Joel and others who happened to attend the birthday party also. Before that tragic happened, Haji falls off a cliff and Saya gave him her blood, thus making him her first Chevalier. Haji is a character who is brought in by Joel to be a companion of Saya, hoping them to mate someday. Like Saya, although he has the looks of a 20 years old, he is much older, 142 to be exact.
Saya and Haji have been pursuing Diva since then to the present year. She met new friends and enemies along the way. Enemies mainly Diva's Chevaliers and her known friends is when in the present year: the Red Shield, her adopted brother, and the Schiff, unstable balance between Chevalier and Chiroptera. The Schiff doesn't live forever because at some time, they will have the 'Thorn' which will crystallizes them, thus killing them. The only Schiff who didn't die because of this is named Lulu.
An important yet bloody event that happened to Saya's fight against Diva is during the Vietnam Was between 1972-1975, when after the confirmation of Diva's presence there, the Red Shield injected Haji's blood into a hibernating Saya to cause an artificially induced awakening, resulting in her going berserk, killing humans and Chiroptera. This incident causes Haji to hide himself from the Red Shield. Another one is in Russia during the 1920's. Nearly all of Diva's Chevalier was killed by Saya, and it always involve blood. Ewwwww, so gross! That's why I say, it suits the title.
Haha, I non stop talking about Saya, Haji and Diva only weh, forgot to talk about the other characters, gomme neh. Well, there is

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
A different world.

Now let's move to another topic: monsters. Yes, monster are quite like dinosaurs. They are huge in size and are dangerous in a sort of way. The only thing that is different between these two are: monsters do NOT exist. According to wikipedia.org, monster is a term for any number of legendary creatures that frequently appear in mythology, legend and horror fiction. The word originates from the ancient Latin monstum , meaning "omen", from the root of monere,,"to warn", also meaning prodigy, miracle. There is no clear proof about the existence of monsters. Monsters vary from sea monster to legendary creatures. One of the most talked about monster is the sea monster Loch Ness Monster, which is claimed to inhabit Scotland's Loch Ness. Although many people have claimed to see it, scientists and other experts find it unbelievable. A photo of it have also been taken, named Surgeon's Photograph. But it was suspected as a fake. There have been claims that the Loch Ness M

Below: Surgeon's Photograph (Loch Ness Monster) Above: Pesiosaur: Claimed to be the Loch Ness Monster
Besides of the Loch Ness Monster, other notable monsters include dragons, bigfoot, giants and many more.
Just think about what this world would be like if these creatures exist now, it would be like living in a fantasy world like Lord of The Rings. A different world indeed!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Friend from another country: Dreamycloudz a.k.a. ???
Whoah! I always had lots of friends, but most of them are from the same country as I only. But just a few days ago, I got to know a person, a girl to be more accurate, who goes by the name dreamycloudz, her real name is... ... I don't know because she would not reveal her real name, quite mysterious she is, but she's funny.
Mysterious though she is, I managed to know some things about her. First she is, of course a girl, 16 years of age, lives in U.S (I think), and a big fan of Jolin Tsai, who happens to be a Taiwanese singer, not sure if she understands Chinese though. Besides that, she likes the anime Doraemon (it's not funny!), and likes to use the word LOL, although I still don't understand what does it mean.
She happens to be the member of the same site that I'm in. That's how it all started, she got my e-mail address from one of the post the site posted. Since then we have been chatting through MSN and so on. Yet she still doesn't tell me her name! So protective of herself, but that's understandable since I'm a bad person... ... haha! Just joking.
Anyway, it's exciting to have friends from other countries, we are able to share things about ones country, although that has not happened yet. Ahem! So hope I'll be able to get to know someone from Germany, Holland, or England soon, that would be awesome. But for now, just one, that is dreamycloudz, the secretive one!
Now I hope that if you happen to read this post, dreamycloudz, don't break up this friendship of ours or get upset. Remember, friendship is important. Without friends life would be boring.
Either way, it's time to say good-bye... ... Well then, good-bye, adios, sayonara, au revoir! Peace.
March is marching away, soon April arrives!
Pushing aside these problems, good things too happened this month but yet not much. Like the fact that I was able to read finish story books that I bought last year while hiding in my room and being able to journey down to K.L. to visit the Education Fair (helps me decide what course I want to take) and celebrate my grandmom's birthday. Other than that, nothing. It's so boring!
To be honest, I think April is going to be a lot more fun than March. Lots of things that I favour happens in this month, like the continuation of the UEFA Champions League (watch my favourite team: Manchester United) and the release of nobodyknows+'s new singles, Hero's Come Back, which is also the opening theme of Naruto: Shippuden. I can't wait for March to march away!
To me, March is like a marching, it never seems to stop. The first day of April is April Fool's Day, a brilliant way to kick- start that month. April is also the month with lots of history and tragics like the assassination of American President Abraham Lincoln on April 14 1865 and the sinking of RMS Titanic on 14-15 April 1912. See how this month has made the whole world remember it. April will approach in 6 days time, and what an important month it will be for people like me. This is the month where the football season is drawing to a close, and again as I said above it's the month where I have to decide my education path and so on. When April comes, I hope to have decided everything that I should.
Friday, March 23, 2007
... ... Arghhhhhhh... ...
Hmm, maybe last week was not so bad. I got to go to K.L. twice in two days at least, but those days past without anything nice, unless you count on the time when i bought another 2 books of japanese comics. Besides that nothing.
The next day something happened, but it was not for the better. The computer was again not functional because of ... ... yikes! So my mother rattled for almost an hour because it was technically my fault. No com. for at least two days! What torture, already with nothing to do, the computer cannot use for a few days, God must be toying with me. Damn!
One of these days i hope to go out and hang out with my friends because college time is coming nearer. Argh, my parents intend to send me to college, they say it will help me to get a good job in the future. Hmm, maybe. One way or another, it looks enjoying time is coming to an end to me. Haha!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
After... ...
At 12 in the afternoon. My mother came to pick me up. The look on her face tells me everything, that "I 'm not happy with your results", that is what her face expression tells me. All the while in the car to when we finally reached back home, she wore the same face expression.
Eating lunch. She act like she couldn't see me, only talking to my sister. After that, I spend my whole day in my room, thinking and then went to sleep. I woke up at around 6 and brought my dogs for a walk, it was to go out for a while. When my father came back, I can hear her whispering to him, probably about me, no doubt. After that, she barked at me to throw the rubbish, water the plants, and bring pails to the bathroom. I did everthing, then brought in the pail, a few drop of water leaks out from it, and she reacted like I dropped her most precious vase, shouting and scolding at me. Then, I knew, that I was in for a 'good' day. To avoid that incident, I again spend my whole time in the room, pushing aside the urge to watch television.
Second day was no different. I now realized how much my life sucks. But never mind, I just hope that things will get better soon. I just hope.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Well, good luck to all who are getting their SPM results tomorrow, as am I . All the best!!! That 's all, peace.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
My Chinese New Year Review

The Chinese New Year officially ended at least a day now (Sunday was Chap Goh Mei), and i have to say it is the best of my 18 years celebrating this festival. One of the reason is because this day i went to more places, from Seremban to Perak then to K.L. The 'angpau' that i got is also more than previous years (yeah!), and for the first time i got to stay at my cousin's house at happy times.
February 17th, that is the New Year Eve, i got up late and found out my family are already cleaning up the house (yikes), and... ... nothing happened much on this day, after that, we ate lunch, rested for a while, then went to grandma's house to have dinner, hung up for a while and then went home.
The next day, Chinese New Year! Yeah, ate breakfast, bath and got my first angpau of the day, from my mum. Then the whole my family went to K.L to attend one of my dad's function. When we arrived there, a lot of people have already arrived there. We then ... ... let's shorten this day. We went up to the main area, my dad went to do his job, me, my mother and my sister hung around there, then went to get lunch (or is it breakfast, it was still so early). The one thing that i was not satisfied that day was the people who went there to celebrate this festival seem to have eaten for a few decades. They cut queue, snatched food, packed food home and so on. Even some of the aged citizen also did just the same, what is wrong with this people! Haih, beggars, i told myself, it was a bad scene to see in this New Year. After a few hours my dad finished his job and we went home (thank god). In the evening, we did what we did in the first day, we went to my grandma's house to have dinner. There i got my 2nd to 7th angpau. End of the 1st day.
Second day, we went to Perak (so far), again because my dad has a function there. I woke up as early as 5a.m, had breakfast then we started the road. Only when it's 11 a.m plus that we reached there. At the place where the event took place, the same thing happened when i was at K.L. Before the speaker there announced the start of 'eating time', people have already queued up and when the time comes at least they didn't snactched
the food or anything, whew. Got my 9th to 11th angpau there. When everything is finished, we went for lunch and took off to my favourite New Year location, my grandmother's house in B.U. My parents didn't stay there because they had things to do back home. End of 2nd day.
Third day, my parents arrived at B.U at around 9a.m, we then went to visit my dad's friend at his home. They chat there for a least 3 hours before going to the house of another friend of theirs, then we all went for lunch together. After that we went back to my grandmother's house. That's when the excitement happened, my cousins from Subang are already there. Their arrival sparked the fun, we played P.S 2, then played basketball until our muscles are worn out, took dinner and played card for another hour or so. Got 5 angpaus on this day.
Fourth day to seventh day, after getting permission from my mom, i went to my cousin's house in Subang. There, we used his computer, which is great compared to the one that i have, played video games, and bought things at the shopping malls there, those are at daytime. At night, we also used the computer and at 11p.m or later, we went to the eating stall to eat 'roti canai' and drink 'teh tarik'. When we reached back home , we continued our activity until at least 4a.m. These four are the best!
On the seventh day, time to say goodbye. My uncle sent me back to my grandmother's house and at 8p.m on the same day, i went home with my parents, who came to pick me up.
From the eighth day onwards, everything changed back to normal, i stayed at home surfing the net, eat and then sleep. Until now, i am anxiously waiting for SPM results, which will be announced on the 12th of March, not long now.
And so, i say goodbye to the 2007 Chinese New Year and hope the next year will be as good as this year.

Saturday, March 3, 2007
Manchester United F.C.

Yeah, another post! After talking about my favourite kind of music, it's time to talk about my favourite football club and it is none other than Manchester United of England. Manchester United is one of the most successful football club in England, having won the Premier League title eight times and on the verge of winning it's ninth title under it's most successful manager, Sir Alex Ferguson. But altogether in their history the club has won 15 League title and won the FA Cup 11 times, which is an English record, the League Cup twice, and the European Cup twice. In the year 1999, they are the first English club to win the Treble (League, FA Cup and the European Cup). The club is based at the Old Trafford stadium which is located in Manchester and has the best capacity amount of 76,312 (in England) and therefore has the best attendance record (also in England)!
In these past 5 seasons, only Arsenal were able to threaten United's dominance. That was until some rich Russian billionaire bought a silly football club, Chelsea F.C. Thus with only money , this football club was transformed from a lousy to a good football club. For the past two seasons Chelsea have dominated English football. But in the 2006-2007 season, Manchester United rised again. They started the season with a 5-1 thrashing of Fulham at Old Trafford and since then never looked back. All in all, they now lead the table by 9 points with only 3 defeats so far and boast one of the best defensive record, conceding only 19 goals in 28 games.
Actually at the start of the season, no one expected them to play like they do now because of an incident during the 2006 World Cup which involved Christiano Ronaldo and Wayne Rooney. But they showed that it is no big deal with the season that they had so far. Ronaldo is the second top scorer in the league while Rooney has assisted lots of goals while contributing 10 league goals. The defense meanwhile is organized by the experienced Dutch goalkeeper Edwin van der sar and the central pairing of Rio Ferdinand and Nemanja Vidic.
The midfield meanwhile is controlled by old boys Ryan Giggs and Paul Scholes plus new signing Michael Carrick.
This Saturday, today that is, their quest to retain the League title continues wait a trip to Anfield where they will face Liverpool. If they win this, they will open up a 12 point gap between them and Chelsea. Let's us all MU hope that they claim full points in this match, gambatte MU!
Yes, before i forget, videos of Manchester United's match goals are below the blog, watch them if you wish. Word Life!
Friday, March 2, 2007
J-Pop: A Part of Japanese Music
At first i was only interested in English songs. Any nice songs goes fine with me no matter who the artist is. But after two years i realized that japanese songs are nicer to listen, to me lah. J-pop music, i was first exposed to it when i hung out with my brother when he was using the computer. When i first heard, i said... wow, these songs are nice. From that onwards i started listening to J-pop music.
J-pop music is a part of Japanese culture. It is used everywhere: , anime, stores, commercials, movies, radio shows, TV shows, and video games. Some television news programs even run a J-pop song during it's end show.
In anime and TV shows , particularly dramas , opening and closing songs are change a lot. As most shows have both opening and closing songs it is possible for one show to use 8 tracks in a single season.
Recently, J-pop has become known to people around the world through video games and anime. Due to the popular trend of importing games from Japan into other countries to obtain games sometimes up to a year before they are released in countries like the United States, Americans and others have been and continue to be exposed to the theme songs, often J-pop sung by famous singers such as Utada Hikaru in the best-selling Square Co., Ltd games Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2 . Her song "Easy Breezy" was also used to promote Nintendo DS. In the case of anime, shows are normally sold in the West with their original soundtracks untouched, affording more direct exposure. Some shows aired on television in the US, for example, have seen their themes go so far it has become available to download from the Internet and can also be used as ringtones.
My favourite J-pop artist include Yui, Mikuni Shimokawa, Utada Hikaru, Rythem, L'Arc~en~Ciel, and others (too many). Most of them have at least one song used as themes in anime.
Before... ...
Before the results are announced, before.... .... some would be anxiously await their results while others would be doing their favourite things before it does. Some others more will be happily waiting for it because they are the so-called 'genius'... ...sigh.
Well, in my state i will for waiting for 'Armageddon' to happen,haha! Exams i have to say, is not my kind of thing. I believe that almost everyone, even the geniuses, do not like exams. The reason: because it's stressful and makes your mind boil to a 100 degrees. Especially in SPM, you can't screw it. This is because it determines your future, the course that you want to take depends on this. If you screw up your UPSR, never mind, if you screw up your PMR, never mind, but SPM, you can't do that, although there's still STPM(SijilTinggi Persekolahan Malaysia). But most people will not take it because it is more stressful, so better not.
So, back to the main topic, before... ... SPM results are announced, what do the candidates do? Well, for starters they throw away their books, then they go enjoy themselves by hanging out with friends and other activities. Some even go to college straightaway (wow) without waiting for their actual result. What else... ... ah, they go to work to earn some money.
What do i do while waiting for this day, well i stay at home using the computer as long as possible because once the results come out, i may never use it again, doing other things that i want to do, and... ...that's it. Yeah, i live a boring life, boring! Although i can take comfort that i can at least at football in the morning and not having to wake up at a planned time.
But this luxury will come to an end in two weeks. And when that day comes... ... tough times are about come, people, so take this take to enjoy life, hang out with your friends more, do what you want because after the 12th, you won't be able to do these things very often again, not until you are at least 20 years old or older, Word Life!