The Chinese New Year officially ended at least a day now (Sunday was Chap Goh Mei), and i have to say it is the best of my 18 years celebrating this festival. One of the reason is because this day i went to more places, from Seremban to Perak then to K.L. The 'angpau' that i got is also more than previous years (yeah!), and for the first time i got to stay at my cousin's house at happy times.
February 17th, that is the New Year Eve, i got up late and found out my family are already cleaning up the house (yikes), and... ... nothing happened much on this day, after that, we ate lunch, rested for a while, then went to grandma's house to have dinner, hung up for a while and then went home.
The next day, Chinese New Year! Yeah, ate breakfast, bath and got my first angpau of the day, from my mum. Then the whole my family went to K.L to attend one of my dad's function. When we arrived there, a lot of people have already arrived there. We then ... ... let's shorten this day. We went up to the main area, my dad went to do his job, me, my mother and my sister hung around there, then went to get lunch (or is it breakfast, it was still so early). The one thing that i was not satisfied that day was the people who went there to celebrate this festival seem to have eaten for a few decades. They cut queue, snatched food, packed food home and so on. Even some of the aged citizen also did just the same, what is wrong with this people! Haih, beggars, i told myself, it was a bad scene to see in this New Year. After a few hours my dad finished his job and we went home (thank god). In the evening, we did what we did in the first day, we went to my grandma's house to have dinner. There i got my 2nd to 7th angpau. End of the 1st day.
Second day, we went to Perak (so far), again because my dad has a function there. I woke up as early as 5a.m, had breakfast then we started the road. Only when it's 11 a.m plus that we reached there. At the place where the event took place, the same thing happened when i was at K.L. Before the speaker there announced the start of 'eating time', people have already queued up and when the time comes at least they didn't snactched
the food or anything, whew. Got my 9th to 11th angpau there. When everything is finished, we went for lunch and took off to my favourite New Year location, my grandmother's house in B.U. My parents didn't stay there because they had things to do back home. End of 2nd day.
Third day, my parents arrived at B.U at around 9a.m, we then went to visit my dad's friend at his home. They chat there for a least 3 hours before going to the house of another friend of theirs, then we all went for lunch together. After that we went back to my grandmother's house. That's when the excitement happened, my cousins from Subang are already there. Their arrival sparked the fun, we played P.S 2, then played basketball until our muscles are worn out, took dinner and played card for another hour or so. Got 5 angpaus on this day.
Fourth day to seventh day, after getting permission from my mom, i went to my cousin's house in Subang. There, we used his computer, which is great compared to the one that i have, played video games, and bought things at the shopping malls there, those are at daytime. At night, we also used the computer and at 11p.m or later, we went to the eating stall to eat 'roti canai' and drink 'teh tarik'. When we reached back home , we continued our activity until at least 4a.m. These four are the best!
On the seventh day, time to say goodbye. My uncle sent me back to my grandmother's house and at 8p.m on the same day, i went home with my parents, who came to pick me up.
From the eighth day onwards, everything changed back to normal, i stayed at home surfing the net, eat and then sleep. Until now, i am anxiously waiting for SPM results, which will be announced on the 12th of March, not long now.
And so, i say goodbye to the 2007 Chinese New Year and hope the next year will be as good as this year.

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