If dinosaurs still live in the 21st century, then the world would be in chaos now. I mean nearly all of it are way bigger than us and OMG we humans will not be able to enjoy life anymore. Maybe dinosaurs would be better off to remain extinct, as happened nearly a few million years before mankind set foot to this world. Truthfully, it would be good if a few of them still exist, and I won't deny that I am fascinated by these creatures, truly. They WERE the dominant force in terrestrial ecosystems for nearly 160 million years ago, just like us now. Imagine if dinosaurs still exist now, it would be like the battle between us and them, it would be like a movie. But we wouldn't be here anyway if dinosaurs didn't encounter the asteroid collision last time. Like they say, nothing lasts forever, perhaps mankind too will become extinct in a few centuries time, maybe earth will be inhabited by aliens then!!!, unlikely? Maybe .
OMG, aren't we 'huge' compared to this

There have been lots of talk that the thing that happened to dinosaurs will happen to us too in a few years time, so scientists have been trying to find other planets that we can live (cool!), too bad I won't be there when that time comes. Planets mentioned are Mars and .... .... no more.
Mars: A new home in the future?

Now let's move to another topic: monsters. Yes, monster are quite like dinosaurs. They are huge in size and are dangerous in a sort of way. The only thing that is different between these two are: monsters do NOT exist. According to wikipedia.org, monster is a term for any number of legendary creatures that frequently appear in mythology, legend and horror fiction. The word originates from the ancient Latin monstum , meaning "omen", from the root of monere,,"to warn", also meaning prodigy, miracle. There is no clear proof about the existence of monsters. Monsters vary from sea monster to legendary creatures. One of the most talked about monster is the sea monster Loch Ness Monster, which is claimed to inhabit Scotland's Loch Ness. Although many people have claimed to see it, scientists and other experts find it unbelievable. A photo of it have also been taken, named Surgeon's Photograph. But it was suspected as a fake. There have been claims that the Loch Ness M

Below: Surgeon's Photograph (Loch Ness Monster) Above: Pesiosaur: Claimed to be the Loch Ness Monster
Besides of the Loch Ness Monster, other notable monsters include dragons, bigfoot, giants and many more.
Just think about what this world would be like if these creatures exist now, it would be like living in a fantasy world like Lord of The Rings. A different world indeed!
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